Ok so I was just now Googling "Sjees" and found a load of kite porn but it's all in another language. German I believe.. So after muting it and multi-tabing some good dub step for the background music, it wasn't that bad. I don't know why the video had Elvis singing but it's ok, not trying to say there is anything wrong with Elvis..or his music that he made. But damn man that just doesn't really go with the Kiteboarding Vibe I feel personally but hey, that's just me. So, Any ways check it out if you have the time.
I was really trying to talk about a really good day I had but I can't really spell so this is a little harder for me. Maybe I can get some feed back on this one little dilemma I have with the word "Sjees"..Is this short for Session? Like for example. I.E. if you will. "I had a sick Kiteboarding Session." I would rather have the correct spelling for the abbreviation of Session. I think it should be spelled "Sesh" personally, what do you think? Do you have any idea of what i'm going on about? Let me know in the comment section below.
So, if this was a perfect world and I had my way...Here is how my story would be spelt..Yes spelt, that's how I say spelled..moving on.. I arrived at Louise on the Lake around noon and got to kite at the New Spot that appeard out of the water like O'l Nessy one day.
(A brief history on this "New Spot". Since the lake is lower than it ever has been..Ever! There are all these new little "beaches" and a lot of shore line that I have never seen before!)
So I had to kite from it...and it was Awesome! The location of this New Spot is perfectly in the middle of the famous "Tornado Ally" or "Hurricane Ally" depending on who you talk to. Needless to say it is a very windy spot. The wind funnels down Portland Road on a South wind day and there is a very distinct wind line. This spot is very advantageous for the wind lover such as myself. Getting to the important part here, I was trying out my new self launching device and I was meeting up with Ace for a little demo. This device worked and we had a great Sesh. Unfortunatly I didn't actually get to try my new device but I didn't have to because Ace was there to launch me. Thank God! I was a little skiddish of the way I was going to do the self launch anyways but Ace knew what he was doing so that makes one of us anyways. He was able to get it to work perfectly so at least I know it can be done.
We road for about an hour or so then came back because neither of us was wearing gloves and the water is muy frio! That's "freezing ass cold" for all you die hard Americans out there who don't wanna learn another language! Which is fine BTW so don't stop hatin just yet let me finish. Then I came back for round two! Like 3 hours later.. But I got to ride side by side with my other best mate Shane. He finally made it out and we had a much needed sunset sesh. It is really nice once you start to get the hang of things and can just go out and enjoy yourself. I'm talking about this just now because I have had a long hard journey to get to where I am today and I really do take the time to just sit down and reflect on just how epic this day really was. I only got to ride a few times this month but there is more wind to come very very soon.
As I was always told, "Go fly a Kite!"
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