I'm actually refrencing two differnt things, Turkey the animal and Turkey the Country. I would like to use a turkey to actually kiteboard but I just don't think it will work. Now, kiteboarding in the country Turkey would be interesting to say the least, because I have no idea what that would be like. I would do it though!
Two great things i'm looking forward to this month. Yes, you guessed it! I want to dress up like a Turkey and Kiteboard! Not really. Well, if I didn't go out and purchase the costume myself I probably would give it a try! So, to recap since I have A.D.D obviously..if someone would like to donate a turkey outfit I will kiteboard in the costume for Thanksgiving. (I'm just listening to the birds cooing outside on my balcony for some reason.."..crickets..") But i'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving this year for the Turkey I have yet to procure.
So let's talk about kiteboarding for a second here, whoever was out yesterday rippin it up, all I gotta say is WOW! That wind was really...gusty! It would go from 15-38mph at intervals that where short and long and really everything inbetween. With wind like that it takes a lot of concentration and knowing what to do at just the right time with the wind that is being givin to you. It was a really huge learning curve from low wind that just blows with small gusts and riding overpowered to the MAX and just learning via trial by fire(except with water.) It is a lot to overcome at times but when the really good wind comes (steady where you can park your kite at a 45 and just let the kite do all the work like a wakeboarder can do with a boat.) you'll know how to enjoy it!
This sport has taken me to another level of Zen due to the fact that you don't Kiteboard when you want to. You have to wait till your Chi is centered and the wind let's you harness it's power and doesn't harm you. This takes Karma to another level here, you have to accept the fact that you are riding one of Nature's most unpredictable elements and hoping everything will be ok.
I'm sure that answers a lot of people's questions so if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns..please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. oh yea and Have a great Turkey Day!
~N8 The Kiteboarder~
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