Thursday, June 21, 2012

First day of Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meet the Okkite/ team!!

So we finally got all the team together for a group photo.  These are the pros that are going to get YOU on the water, and in the AIR!
Here's the breakdown of this motley crew, left to right.

Ashley: Codename "The Blonde"
Deadly accurate with all forms of pricing and group discounts.  Keeping you AND the business afloat!
Colton: Codename "Skiaterror". We don't know why.  Man in the know about the Tulsa kite scene.  Will have you surfing AND laughing at the same time. Great dude!
Matt:  Codename "Light".  This guy is a landboard ninja.  He'll have you rocketing upwind in no time.  Kite control as an art form.
Shane:  Codename "Baldylocks".  Managing the website and business stuff.  Luckily, with that much forehead, there have to be some brains in there somewhere. Known to love surfing, big air, and the constantly practicing the perfect crash.
Nathan:  Codename "TermN8r". Chill, fun, but does not feel pain.  And he will not stop until you are kicking butt on the water and grinning like a fool.
Zac:  Codename "Thirteen percent".  You'll just have to ask him. Super fun, super strong. Paul Bunyan of kite instructors. Specializes in water relaunching.  Will get you surfing in no time.
Jaron:  Codename "Hightower".  Tall enough he can actually see storms forming in the Gulf while on the beach at Lake Hefner, which helps us with wind reports.  Super laid back, no stress kite instructing.  

Get excited for the summer, get scheduled for lessons today!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Guys,

    I am in town visiting for a few days and would love to go kiteboarding. I was recently certified but I don't have any gear. Do you rent gear? How do I sign up for a lesson this Saturday?

