Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Sometimes there's too much wind. May 20th Tornado Victims. Respect.

As Oklahomans and kiters, we know, love, respect, and sometimes fear the wind.  Our Okc offices have thankfully been missed by the storms, but our friends and families are all affected in some way.

Okkite instructor Nate McCubbin, is intimately familiar with the process, since not only was his home destroyed in the May 3rd, 1999 tornado as a child, leaving him in his boyscout uniform for days, but his former elementary school, Briarwood, was leveled during this May 20th storm. 

Nate has always spoken about that event as being a catalyst to getting involved in extreme sports as a validation and celebration of life. Life lived well and fully.

Just as we come together for fun and adventures, we come together for the tough times too.

Okkite.com is donating ALL proceeds from lessons booked this week to Redcross.org, the lead charity in the relief effort in South Okc/Moore.

Sincerely, - Okkite.com staff

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